Oh, It's A Fire ! (Prayer of Protection)


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

    I just want to take the time to thank God for covering me and my loved ones with His blood. He really does protect His children from danger, fires, and crackling hot combs! It was a nice Saturday morning; my sister and I had agreed to do her hair in the morning so that when we came home, we could just chill. I was in the process of straightening my sister’s hair with the flat iron, trying not to burn her while she (hopefully not on purpose) moved her head in the opposite direction to talk on the phone. 

    As I’m praying to God for patience and asking her for the 12th time to stop moving her head so that I can straighten her hair, I prepared the electrical hot comb. Now, I have never in my life experienced the craziness that you are about to be a witness of or had any previous issues with this hot comb. I plugged it up to fix the cord and waited for the hot comb to heat up. “Do not move! I’m about to use the hot comb!”, I told her. She gets off the phone and stays perfectly still. I checked for proper temperature and proceeded to get the edges straight. Round one of touch-ups went successfully but you know as a woman of color, with thick natural hair, you must go for round two for good measure! I go in and start the second round when suddenly, bright white sparks flew before our eyes! My thoughts: “This is it; this is the death of me and her! Did I kill her? Omg, is she okay?” all while asking her is she okay, is she hurt, any signs of burn marks or anything? “I’m fine, but that was scary!”, she said nervously laughing. I started nervously laughing and thanking the Lord for His protection because THAT was INSANE.

            It’s the small things in life that you can truly appreciate the power of God! Psalms 91 tells us that the Lord will protect us from the hand of the enemy! In verse 14, it tells us that He will rescue us, and He will protect us because we know His name! Thank God for the blood of Jesus because BABY…. That could have been bad! I leave you with this, throughout your day just ask the Lord to cover you and the people you love with His blood! Say thank you for all the things that He has protected you from and continue to lead with gratitude!


